I recently got an email asking about how what words children should use when describing someone who is Black, and I thought it was a great question. With her permission I’m sharing it here. Dear Kristen, I recently heard my (white) 4th-grade son refer to another kid from a soccer team as the “African” kid. […]
I brought these corks up to the playroom to make something completely different but we didn’t have all the supplies I needed for that craft. After making a totally different Christmas craft ( I will post it later this week) we started cleaning up and inspiration struck! I grabbed a few more supplies and explained […]
Pinecones are everywhere! As certain as the fallen leaves, the pinecones that beg to be picked up and thrown ( hopefully not at each other) are everywhere. I decided we should create with the pinecones and what better to make right now than a Thanksgiving turkey craft ? What I love about these Thanksgiving turkey […]
If you had 30 extra minutes to work on reading what would you spend it doing? I get asked this question a lot. After reading with them, to them, and listening to them read or tell you stories? Well that depends on the child but I will try to answer this question is a very […]
November 7, 2014 | by Masumi Goldman Balanced Body, Balanced Mind As busy mothers, yoga instructors and business owners, we are on the constant quest to live balanced lives. With young children to care for and multiple schedules to juggle, there’s hardly a moment in the day that isn’t pre-scheduled with children’s activities, meal preparation or work obligations. […]
We love adding letters to plain old crafts and making them into an alphabet craft. It’s a simple way to work on letter recognition and kids love it. This simple ear of harvest corn went from plain to rad with some letters. More importantly my daughter spent time with each letter making it’s sound, suggesting […]
Welcome to Day 8 of the November #YogaWithTFM 10-Day Challenge. Today’s pose is Wheel Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana. See the video below for a tutorial on how to get into Wheel Pose, and keep in mind these three tips: 1. Keep your feet parallel and thighs hugging into the midline. 2. If you are just […]
We have been reading a lot this year and I wanted to do a book gift guide for independent readers. I decided to go to my best source, my son. This list may be about books my son can’t put down but they aren’t only the best books for boys they can be for boys […]
Important note: Chocolate has small amounts of caffeine, so be sure to keep your cocoa consumption under 300 to 400 milligrams per day to avoid the risk of a miscarriage. —Maggie Young Okay, have at ‘em, ladies. We’ve pulled together ten great grab-and-go snacks and yummy dishes to satisfy your pregnancy cravings. Chocolate Avocado […]
Welcome to Day 9 of the November #YogaWithTFM 10-Day Challenge! Today’s pose is One-Legged King Pigeon or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. See the video below for a tutorial on how to get into One-Legged King Pigeon, and keep in mind these three tips: 1. Props! Use a block if your hips are tight, use a strap […]
Whether you’re due any day or have been up all night nursing a newborn, you’ll appreciate these precious pics of baby and pet besties. Dogs may be man’s best friend, but who is baby’s? Answer that. Not sure Mom’s going to be too happy you’re sharing the breast milk. I promise to protect you—and eat whatever you throw […]
We’ve all experienced it. You pull up to the dreaded stop light and standing on the corner is the gruff, dirty, sad looking man holding the tattered cardboard sign. Your cheerful singing along to the radio stops and you plaster on a somber face, or you avert your eyes and occupy yourself with your cell […]