It’s no secret that everything these days (with the exception of my waistline) seems to be getting smaller. Cereal boxes, frozen treats, they all slowly shrink before our eyes. For this reason, I’m often both shocked and elated to see my favorite things boasting more. Why hello there, peanut butter! More caramel, nougat and milk […]
As a result, dinner prep is usually a chaotic affair. Here’s how it usually goes: 5pm: Feel hungry. Think about making dinner.5:15pm Kids complain about hunger. Think about making dinner.5:30pm Resolve to make dinner.5:35 Check fridge. Realize I have 2 pita pockets, leftover brown rice, and a packet of carrots.5:40 Call Mark and ask him […]
As you start this week, may you find a nugget of courage to do the hard thing your heart is aching to do. May you find enough freedom to do something brave and risky, something that taps that gift you were given but haven’t yet fully and outwardly exercised. We are all artists in some […]
From Downward Facing Dog, step the right foot in between the hands. Make sure the right knee is stacked over the right ankle, hips are square to the top of your mat and you are on the ball of your left foot. Come onto your fingertips and lengthen your spine forward. Sink the right thigh […]
It’s the summer!!! I am still so excited about not having to wake up early to catch the school bus, which is great because we’ve been staying up way too late reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. That’s an affiliate link to Amazon if you want to read a review, we will have a […]
Have a baby shower to attend over the weekend? Join the club. With all of the summer babies that are just around the corner and the Saturday and Sunday afternoon showers that are filling up your calendar, it’s good to have easy, pre-planned, or even last-minute gift options for the beautiful mama to-be and her new babe. And, […]
We’ve had this sandbox for Arden for a little while and we’ve finally set it up. I love this sandbox for a few reasons. One: I love that it’s made from wood. The finish on our’s is different than pictured below, it actually matches our patio furniture almost perfectly. Second, the cover folds up and […]
About a year ago, Instagram moved into the realm of video sharing. Now, not only can you share your favorite photos with the world, but you can also share your favorite 15-second video clips. If you are already familiar with Instagram, you know that the format of this photo/video-sharing app allows you to post a […]
As a fitness blogger, this is a challenge I’d been hoping to attempt every week since I was officially cleared for exercise at Week 6, but it took me until Week 11 to get it done. And, unfortunately, I think it was a bit of a fail. See, my daughter Garrity is in this major […]
Looking to add more to your family’s diet in a quick and easy way? Don’t have time to cook a breakfast every morning, yet still wish to indulge in a balanced wholesome meal? Hemp protein may be your solution! Adding a simple and organic hemp protein to your routine can save you time and add […]
Need a date night flick, mama? Then Boyhood just might be your answer (that is, unless you have that whole don’t-talk-about-the-kids rule for the evening). The film, directed by the very accomplished Richard Linklater (Dazed & Confused, Before Sunset, School of Rock), does what no film has done before. The entire cast—including the young boy […]
I was so inspired by the Auduban Society app I downloaded last week that I decided to connect my life of the great outdoors with my love of design. All of the gorgeous wildflowers and birds that surround our homes can serve as decoration (in print form of course) inside, too. So if you can’t […]