Rhyming is a vital part of literacy development. When children rhyme they play sounds and apply their abilities to new combinations of letter sounds. This is a fun activity for most children but some children really struggle with rhyming. For all kids we should be trying to make this fun. I encourage all parents to […]
What I Want You To Know About Being A Safe Family 2014-08-25T06:00:00-07:00 Kristen Howerton what I want you to know|
I have to share a kind of embarrassing fact with you guys: I am a terrible omelet-maker (and crepe-maker, for that matter.) I would love to be able to make omelets well because I like to eat them, but mine end up very ugly and falling-apart-y and often runny on the inside. And when I […]
During the hot summer months, it can be so refreshing to sit down and relax with an ice-cold drink. So if you are looking for a delicious summer drink, without all the additives, kombucha is a fabulous alternative. But what exactly is kombucha? Kombucha is a sweetened tea that has been fermented by means of […]
Fermenting is a simple way to implement remarkable nutrition into one’s diet. Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, have been made and consumed around the world for ages. If you have never tried fermented foods before, then the strong taste may seem a little strange at first. Yet you may find that after giving […]
That’s a question Mark and I are always asking ourselves. About the news. About our neighborhood or neighbors. About family situations. About certain questions we have about faith. We value honesty with each other and are trying to teach our kids that honesty is always the best choice. We want to be the kind of […]
The skin is your body’s largest organ. It protects you and you have to take good care of it. You may not be aware of just how important it is to know exactly what you are putting on your skin day after day. Sunscreen, which is supposed to protect your skin, may actually be poisoning you. Here […]
When I was 20-years old, I was finishing up my Sophomore year of college. I had strong opinions, a will of steel, and nobody could tell me anything about the world. Sometimes, I wonder if I would even listen to my own advice if I had the chance to go back in time and talk […]
We’re huge fans of Stokke‘s modern and functional products over here at Mother, so we’re thrilled to offer you this exclusive sneak peek video of the brand’s latest stroller, the Stokke Trailz, a versatile all-terrain baby-carting vehicle coming out this fall. Outdoorsy moms, do you need one of these in your life? The post Exclusive: […]
On the ONE Campaign blog today, I share my thoughts on a father’s choice to teach his sons about videogame violence by taking them to Israel and Syria. While I respect his choice, it wouldn’t be mine. From the ONE post: I have a 14 year-old son who loves to play combat video games. We draw the […]
As you well know, your baby’s skin is incredibly delicate, making it extra sensitive and likely to burn: “Babies should be in the sun as little as possible,” says Laura Calili, M.D., pediatrician with Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health. Plus, babies aren’t great at regulating their internal temperatures because their nervous systems aren’t fully […]
When your little one is starting solids you’ll probably be looking for a variety of finger foods for him or her to practice self feeding with. However, it’s not always easy to find something that’s yummy and readily available, but not full of chemicals. Try making these homemade yogurt melts! This recipe makes a bunch […]