Have you heard of the #WeNeedDiverseBooks movement? It’s a movement that is devoted to getting books with diverse characters promoted, on library shelves, and into the hands of kids. This isn’t just a good idea, it’s desperately needed. Children need to see themselves in books just as much as they need to see children not […]
Being pregnant is a joyous and fun time in life. It means that soon a new life will be brought into this world. One of the things that can be difficult for pregnant women is to learn all of the dos and don’ts of being pregnant. There are many things to consider about what foods […]
Washi tape is still a trendy favorite in the crafting world. There are so many creative ways to use this Japanese based tape that washi tape has essentially become a household name. The beautiful and countless designs, the strong-hold and reusability, and the natural materials that make up washi tape have made this crafting essential […]
I really have no idea how this tradition started, but I would be remiss if I didn’t share photos of our annual “Jafta gets a pie in the face” tradition. It started when he was 5 years old. I’d made a cheesecake for Thanksgiving. I’m not sure that the kids have ever witnessed me making […]
As many of you know I went back to teaching this fall and I am still over the moon about being back in the classroom. I am teaching 2 and 3 year olds and loving it. I thought I would put together a great list of Christmas activities I have done, will do, and wish […]
Wellness Wednesday is a weekly initiative to encourage everyone to be able to live healthier and make better choices. This is a great way to be able to encourage the whole family to take better care of themselves and get into better shape. There are many great things that families can do together for Wellness […]
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin from the male sex organs. If circumcision is to be carried out, it is advised that it be done when the baby is a day or two old. The later it is done, the worse it becomes for the health of the baby. The issue of circumcision […]
My son yelled at my ovaries the other day. It was during a conversation about how much he really wants a baby sister (even though he can’t properly take care of his guinea pig). I reminded him that I am perfectly content with our little family and that I have no desire to deal with […]
An ornament wreath is such a pretty addition to any holiday decor because it can be customized to any color scheme. It can also be dressed up in additional ways, such as using a bow or a nice visual piece that captures the eye. This wreath is also a good choice because it can be […]
One of my most favorite things about December is the stacks of Christmas cards that start arriving in my mailbox. In years past, I’ve just scotch taped them to my fridge or something, but then I end up with 5000 tape balls to remove after. You can buy cute card display things, but they never […]
Play dough is my daughter’s favorite activity. It’s such a wonderful material whether you make your own your buy Play-Doh at the store like we did for this winter play dough creation station. I am not a pre-planner. It looks like I am because you see all the activities after I put them into neat […]
Let’s continue on our quest to create a yoga lifestyle—a life where peace and stillness are not limited to the confines of our yoga mats. Let’s build a life where clarity and stillness extend to all other areas of our lives. A couple of weeks ago, we began the process of removing mental clutter by […]