So I have been slow to jump on the whole baconbaconbacon bandwagon. I mean, I like bacon. I love bacon. But I’m not one to get bacon ice cream a maple bacon doughnut or chocolate covered bacon or get chocolate bars with bacon in it. I do, however, love maple bacon. Not in stuff–I accidentally put maple […]
I love "new uses for old things" -style tips. The cheapskate declutterer in me can’t resist a) reusing an item I already have and/or b) avoiding buying another "unitasker" which will eventually make its way into the giveaway pile. As I’ve been sifting through the archives for book research, I’ve discovered that we’ve got the makings […]
Sarah Drew has dinner with a group of moms every other Wednesday night. "And it’s a standing date, so unless I’m shooting, it’s happening," says Drew. "It’s our time to vent, cry and hold each other up. The husbands take the kids, and then the husbands get to go out together on Thursdays.” Drew’s husband […]
“Some of the biggest fights my husband and I had were at the beginning, when I had come up with all these ideas, and he hadn’t even thought about it at all—but every idea of mine, he rejected," says Drew. "He had a point, though. He knew that if he had said, ‘Oh, that’s interesting,’ […]
@dana_nicole11: What steps did you take to become a yoga instructor? It took a long time for me to finally have the balls to do my teacher training. I am a very shy person when it comes to public speaking. Suffering from TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) for most of my life, I am very self […]
My daughter like so many other young kids loves the movie Frozen. These DIY recycled crayons were inspired by the movie and the frozen heart that gets unfrozen by true love. This post is not at all sponsored by or affiliated with by Disney. It is simply a spin on a craft we’ve made before […]
For When You Don’t Understand Why. | Life Rearranged It is hard. I know. It is so. damn. hard. Have hope, sweet friend. Dream and wish and pray for outcomes. But know that your baby is your baby and IS WORTHY OF ALL THE LOVE IN THE UNIVERSE no matter what. Even if the prayers […]
This math craft activity is the perfect example of mixing directed learning and creativity. When I create activities like these I try to make them appeal to the kids who love creative art as well as the ones that are excited by the math. You will find that there is a ton of overlap as […]
We have some exciting news to share! Our new digital series is available today! It’s called, It’s Never Too Late, and it is part of Gaiam’s Yoga Rising series. Now we can share our teaching with all of you! All you need is a computer or mobile device and you can take our classes wherever […]
Ever feel like the same books are shared over and over again? This round up of books with great role models for girls isn’t abou tthe most popular books, this list is a list of books that when I suggest them to friends aren’t often titles they have heard before. For a book list about […]
September 17, 2014 | by Kate Alexander Apple Raisin Clafoutis One of my favorite fall activities is apple picking. Not only do our kids love apple picking, but so do my husband and I. Needless to say, we end up leaving with tons of apples. Apple pie, baked apples, applesauce and apple crisp are usually the […]
So you guys know my picky eater? The one who literally has a list of, like, 10 foods he will willingly eat without crying? And how when we go to restaurants, he will only eat chicken in some kind of nuggeted form, pizza, or macaroni and cheese? For the record, hot dogs and quesadillas used to be […]