Baby Names: 3 Decision-Making Tips for Parents-to-Be

“Some of the biggest fights my husband and I had were at the beginning, when I had come up with all these ideas, and he hadn’t even thought about it at all—but every idea of mine, he rejected," says Drew. "He had a point, though. He knew that if he had said, ‘Oh, that’s interesting,’ I would’ve started ordering the monogrammed towels.”

“We set aside the name discussion until Peter (Drew’s husband), had done some research himself, so that we could both bring ideas to the table," says Drew. "With Micah, we knew we wanted a biblical name, so we read through name websites together. It can be a team effort.”

Drew and her husband didn’t know what they were having the first time around: “So we had two boy names, one girl name, and no middle names," she says. "We decided on ‘Micah’ in labor: Maybe it was the drugs, but in that moment, as I was pushing, we made the decision. It felt right!”

Related:   Should You Find Out Your Baby’s Sex?

See more Sarah Drew in the October/November issue of Fit Pregnancy—on newsstands now! (Or, download it on iTunes and GooglePlay beginning Friday, September 26.)

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