Your turn: Creative uses for…the binder clip

I love "new uses for old things" -style tips. The cheapskate declutterer in me can’t resist a) reusing an item I already have and/or b) avoiding buying another "unitasker" which will eventually make its way into the giveaway pile.

As I’ve been sifting through the archives for book research, I’ve discovered that we’ve got the makings for just this sort of list. Certain items are so multi-purpose they make their way into all sorts of hacks.

Take the binder clip. Useful for soooo much more than clipping together piles of paper.

A few examples:

Rich Sipe (whose photo appears here) made an iPhone stand out of binder clips.

Help me find more uses! What’s the most creative use you’ve seen for the binder clip?

Leave a comment or post on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #parenthacks.