

Swirled Pumpkin Cheesecake Brownies

Since Kate’s last post was a gorgeous salad,  specifically to provide a little detox from the pumpkin-apple-spiced baking overload everywhere (I saw those fingers pointing at me), I figured it was appropriate to return to the aforementioned overload.  October only happens once a year, ya know!  And, this is actually the last fall treat I […]

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Easy Bat Craft

This Halloween craft was so much fun to make. It’s quick which is really our only option most days, is it just me or do you get exponentially busier the older your kids get?  We’ve been meaning to get all Halloween crafty but time has been super short. This easy bat craft is the perfect […]

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8 tips for your child’s first Halloween

You know Halloween is a blast, but it can be scary and exhausting for a first-timer. Spooky costumes, strangers, creepy house decorations and sound effects mixed with a big dose of anticipation and sugar and you’ve got the makings of a toddler meltdown. How do you best prepare your toddler (and yourself) for her first […]

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Pumpkin Spice Cinnamon Rolls with Maple Glaze

Cinnamon Rolls are probably my husband’s most favorite treat in the whole world.  And he admitted to me the other day that he never even thought twice about the whole pumpkin spice craze until he married me and thought I was a crazy person.  See, I was obsessed with pumpkin before it was a “thing.”  […]

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Share Your Halloween Crafts and Fall Activities For Kids! { Link up here! }

October is one of my very favorite months and it’s almost half over!  I am loving teaching preschool and loving the days when I don’t teach and get to focus, really focus on my 4 year old. This week we cooked together a lot and made every puzzle we could find in our house including […]

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Crock-Pot Slow Cooker Giveaway

This time of year one of the highest searched items on our site is Slow-Cooker recipes, and for good reason!  Slow-Cooking and autumn go hand-in hand when you can leave simmering flavors on your counter-top and have dinner ready with minimal work.   Today we’ve teamed up with Crock-Pot® to give away one of our favorite new […]

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Spider Web Walking Spelling Game

One of our most popular posts ever is our Spider Web Walking and the other night while looking through pictures my 4 year old asked me if she could try that game. She was tiny when we did it the first ( and 2nd) times. So we got our stuff together and made a huge […]

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Gearapalooza Gift Bag Giveaway!

Fit Pregnancy is giving away Gearapalooza Gift Bag Giveaway! Valued at $300! Gearapalooza: The Ultimate Baby Gear and Registry Event will be coming to a city near you this fall or in 2015!  Celebrate and enter to win a Platinum Gearapalooza Gift Bag. Click here for more information. We’ll choose one winner at random from […]

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DIY: Baby Washcloth Bouquet

Everyone wants to be the one with the handmade gift that the expecting mom can’t stop gushing over!  But, you also want to bring her something useful for her new little bundle of joy.  We have come up with the perfect solution – make her a baby washcloth bouquet!  You will only need several other […]

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7 Tips for Eating Well…On the Road

Although it may seem like a daunting task to choose healthy meals while traveling, eating well on the road isn’t impossible.  If you are away from the comforts of home, don’t throw in the towel.  With a little bit of planning, you can hold it together and find healthy solutions.  For the past month, I […]

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Blackberry & Pear Salad {with Red Wine Poppy Seed Vinaigrette)

So we’re three weeks out from Halloween and if your blog/Facebook/Pinterest feed looks anything like mine, it’s jam-packed with pumpkin and spice and apples and baking and cakes and candy and all that. And we’ve been whole-hearted participants in that trend, so I’m not pointing fingers here. But. I’m kind of needing a detox. If, […]

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Flattering Fall Dresses to Wear Right Now!

Why you’ll love it   Tie one on in a punchy pattern that keeps the eye moving. The forgiving shape easily adjusts to your bod while you lose weight. (Julie Brown dress, $173,; Elk necklace; $54, Why you’ll love it   The loose fit brilliantly hides lingering bulges while making you look office-polished. Plus, the button-down design makes […]

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