A Guide Choosing A Car Seat Unless you are only a walk away from the hospital, new parents need a car seat from day one (it’s required to leave the hospital—even if you’re taking a taxi). All 50 states require car child restraints, usually until the child is at least 7 years old and over […]
Tag: baby
Doctor Announces Cause of SIDS Breakthrough For years parents of newborn children have stood outside their babies crib in fear, listening for the telltale sound of their child breathing. SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the reason for the tragic death of 3,500 babies each year in the U.S. who inexplicably die while sleeping. […]
Best Toys For First Birthday Gift Ideas Your child is turning one and this is enough reason to celebrate. Most one-year-olds just get a thrill out of opening up presents, trying to untie the ribbon, and unwrapping the paper from the present. Here are some ideas for a first birthday gift. First Birthday […]
Three Tips for Traveling with Baby Although spring is really just beginning, already many families are making plans for that summer road trip. No matter if it is a quick run up the coast to visit family or a week-long road trip through a new part of the country, kids complicate travel. In addition, […]
Being new parents is one of the best experiences. With that being said, the fun starts with buying your little one the newest and latest of everything you can think of. Many of these parents go overboard and they don’t know what they will need and not need as the days count down till their […]
From the moment we step into the “pregnancy-role,” our baby weight starts to emerge and accumulate on our bodies. The scheming then begins on how we are to drop these extra “pounds” once are little one arrives. Once your baby is born, your life will change. Don’t get scared. This is a good thing. After […]
It’s amazing how carefree you live before you have a child. You live day to day, never worrying about the little things. However, once you become pregnant, your entire world changes. Fear becomes a constant; not from the same things, but because there always seems to be something new. For instance, while I was pregnant […]
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin from the male sex organs. If circumcision is to be carried out, it is advised that it be done when the baby is a day or two old. The later it is done, the worse it becomes for the health of the baby. The issue of circumcision […]