

Banana Maple Walnut “Ice Cream” (Dairy- and Gluten-Free!)

I had heard you could make mock-ice cream out of frozen bananas.  I was skeptical, but I had a few spotted bananas on my counter, and I figured why not try! So, I peeled them, sliced them, wrapped them up and popped them into the freezer.While they were freezing, I contemplated what type of ice […]

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Daily Practice: Reverse Warrior

From Downward Facing Dog, step your right foot in between your hands and rise up into Warrior I. Look up and watch your palms touch; then open up into Warrior II. Make sure your right knee is directly over your right ankle and your right thigh is parallel to your mat. On an inhale, rotate your right […]

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Hyde Yoga Giveaway

Continuing to celebrate the launch of our new and improved website, this week we are giving away ONE $100 gift card from Hyde Yoga.    Hyde provides a line of comfortable, organic cotton clothing. This raffle will run from 3 PM on Friday, August 8th until 3 PM on Friday, August 15th. The winner will be notified […]

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Grocery Giveaway!

We’ve been overwhelmed by the excitement and support you’ve all shown for our Ice Cream adventure!  If you’re new around here, Kate and I participated in an event last year where we developed ice cream flavors for the Kroger brand, Private Selection, representing the regions where we each live. There was a great group of […]

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Bacon is Back!

We’ve had hoards of emails inquiring when we were getting our Limited Edition Bacon Olive Oil in Stock, and it’s here!  This time in two sizes. Now, you might be thinking this is some sort of novelty gag gift, like bacon chapstick (ew) or bacon suckers, or bacon whatever else you can think of.  Think […]

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Mother Hoods: Chicago’s Best According To Amanda Jane Jones

Heading to the Windy City any time soon? Why not let Mother profile subject Amanda Jane Jones be your guide? We asked the Hyde Park resident to spill on all of her favorite hotspots in town, from good eats to her favorite beach, most of which are kid friendly! What are your favorite places in your city to… Eat […]

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Turn a wooden magazine holder into a corner shelf or charging station

Look at this smart reuse for an IKEA magazine holder! This could work well over a kid’s desk to stash art or homework supplies. OR as a charging station for the family’s mobile devices. Read the full how-to at Design*Sponge: DIY Wednesdays: Catch-All Shelf Give a little link love! If you come across something you think […]

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Bake cookies on your car dashboard

Road trip snacks, anyone? No kidding: Mikeasaurus has thought through the food safety issues on this one. Consider this the silver lining on your next drive in the insane summer heat. Read the full how-to at Instructables: Dashboard Baking Give a little link love! If you come across something you think qualifies as a parent hack, share […]

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This month, your comments save lives

Did you know that a child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could be prevented with a vaccine? Did you know that 75% of unvaccinated children live in just 10 countries? Did you know that by simply leaving blog comments or sharing posts during the month of August, you can give a child a […]

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Mobile phone lock screen graphic reminds your kid to read [free download]

Austin Kleon is happier when he reads books, so he created this cell phone lock screen wallpaper as a reminder. Imagine this as the lock screen on your kid’s iPod. Download Austin’s "Read A Book Instead" wallpaper for free: Read A Book Instead Give a little link love! If you come across something you think qualifies as […]

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This family air travel tip simplifies packing while saving $ on checked baggage fees

This simple trick will dramatically simplify packing for a family trip, save you money in checked baggage fees, and get your family through airport security in record time. I stumbled onto this tip as we headed on our vacation (those are my family’s suitcases, plus a bonus peek at @PDXCarpet). 1. Each person’s clothing goes […]

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On participant ribbons and letting kids always win

I just went to a fair with my kids, where all four of them participated in a hula-hoop contest. My children are not world-class hula-hoopers. They are mediocre at best and didn’t outlast the winner. It was just something fun for them to do. But guess what? They all won participant ribbons! So forever we […]

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