If you follow me on social media, you might know I had a baby a couple of days ago. And I’d like to point out how dedicated I am blogging from a hospital bed post-surgery to make sure all y’all don’t go without dinner. KIDDING. I’m not a crazy person. Well, crazy enough to voluntarily […]
I’ve been trying to be intentional about using our car ride home from school as a time to reconnect with the kids and get information about their day. I like the car time for a few reasons. For one, I have a captive audience. There are no distractions – there is nothing else they are […]
I love Thanksgiving crafts. They are festive but there is almost always a deeper meaning. It’s not just about turkey it’s about the family that gathers around it, it’s not about harvest but about how we can share the harvest, and despite what my son and husband tell me it’s not about football, but cheering […]
This morning, Kate Middleton and Prince William announced that royal baby #2 will make his or her big arrival in April 2015. While Kate is still dealing with extreme morning sickness and hasn’t made a public appearance in more than a month, Prince George has had lots of time to consider what becoming a big […]
It takes a lot of skill to carve a pumpkin, it also takes a very sharp knife. Two things that young children don’t often have. I am all for giving children tools they can use to create what they want to create and in a few days I will be carving two HUGE pumpkins with […]
Halloween is just around the corner. You have seen the decorations for weeks (sometimes months in some stores)! Purchasing several things to decorate can add up. It helps when you find a do it yourself idea that doesn’t cost a lot and still looks great! We are here to share a great tutorial on how […]
That’s what SHE said: kids ruining marriage, the ills of homework, giving crap to the poor, Africa and Ebola paranoia, and more . . . 2014-10-19T14:10:00-07:00 lunareece that’s what she said|
So apparently I am way behind the times because I’ve started seeing things like Christmas gift-giving ideas and the-best-homemade-holiday-treats-ever posts pop up on my Facebook feed. I’ve even seen The Elf pop in a time or two on Pinterest. Whoa. I love Christmas as much as the next girl, but we’re still two weeks away […]
It’s Sunday which means it’s time to link up and show me and my readers what you have been up to. I’ve had a huge week and want to share an exciting development with you. Over the past many months I have been writing a book tentatively titled ” 75 Tricks To Raise A Rockstar […]
Chances are you haven’t given much thought to worms as anything other than fish bait or on rainy days when they congregate on the sidewalk. Did you know that worms can make tea?? No, not the kind of tea that anyone would want to drink, but a very useful and nutritious drink for your garden. Read […]
2. Do not wear racist costumes. This one should go without saying: If you don’t want to be racist this Halloween, don’t wear racist costumes. 3. It’s okay to dress up as a person whose race is different from your own. 4. Let your child’s interest determine their costume. 5. Say no to blackface. 6. […]
Once upon a time, I had this recipe for pork chops that you put in a baking dish and then topped with ketchup, some spices, and some Coke. Yes, it sounds kind of weird, but it was delicious. I mean, I was pregnant with my oldest son at the time, a time when food could […]