Welcome to Day 10 of the November #YogaWithTFM 10-Day Challenge! Today’s pose is Scorpion or Vrschikasana. See the video below for a tutorial on how to get into Scorpion Pose, and keep in mind these three tips: 1. Do not force yourself deeper by dumping into your low back. Keep your abdominals engaged and move […]
Has family air travel gotten more difficult in recent years? I recently took a flight in which you had to pay extra for "preferred" aisle or window seating, another in which there were fees for both checked and carry-on baggage, and another where the only complimentary beverage was water. Fees for carry-on? Seriously? A few airlines […]
Thanksgiving is almost here and during this time of year we try to focus on recognizing the things we are grateful for. Did you know that gratitude doesn’t always come naturally to kids? It’s something that we, as parents, need to teach them — so doing this should be at the very top of our parenting […]
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because the focus isn’t on gifts, but on family — and food! And, not just any food — familiar and traditional food. In fact, I bet your family is expecting a decadent pecan pie, sugared yams and your famous stuffing. I think the one thing to keep in […]
So much goodness swirled around this week, but I’ve barely looked up or shared any of it. I’m heads down finishing the manuscript for the Parent Hacks book, which is consuming most of my conscious thought at the moment. This is only the book’s beginning; my first attempt to transform what we’ve been doing here […]
Simple activities using toys we already have in our playroom are my favorite. Finding new ways to use the toys inspires creativity and play. This Hexbug race activity was a spur of the moment idea that I made my son pause as I ran downstairs to grab my camera. We played from after dinner all […]
Phonics is the fancy name for relationship between the written letter and the sound or sounds it represents. Pretty important for learning to read. English is not a common sense language but giving children a good base knowledge of letter sounds we can help them build strong foundations for decoding words while reading. Most of […]
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are a relatively low-key Hollywood duo. The pop singer/actor and actress are reportedly expecting their first child together. O to the M to the F to the G! Baby Timberlake? A Justin Timberlake spawn? The ‘Lake has procreated and sired? Relax, relax, relax. While Timberlake and Biel have yet to confirm […]
One of my most vivid and earliest memories of my childhood was going to an apple orchard when I was in preschool. The thing I really remember is watching all the apples on the bouncy conveyer belt and then the most delicious apple juice I’d ever tasted (turns out the apples also tasted like no other […]
These 7 posts all focus on different things, counting, color matching, threading, writing, painting, and even science! I LOVE Halloween candy and I am not talking about eating it. I am talking about how effective a little novelty can be to spark your child’s interest in learning. I like doing candy related ideas after Easter […]
My son, aka Unicorn Man I’m the mother of a 5-foot-10 high school freshman. He looks like a man, sounds like a man, and (at times) acts like a man, but he’s still trick-or-treating this Halloween. You know why this makes me happy? Not because of my sentimental need to hold onto his childhood a […]
So do you remember this Apple Spice Sour Cream Bundt Cake (click the link or the picture for that recipe)? And this rockin’ giveaway? I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that the entries from our MightyNest giveaway last week weren’t properly recorded. But the good news is that you […]