Book update: First draft almost done

So much goodness swirled around this week, but I’ve barely looked up or shared any of it. I’m heads down finishing the manuscript for the Parent Hacks book, which is consuming most of my conscious thought at the moment.

This is only the book’s beginning; my first attempt to transform what we’ve been doing here for the last nine years into something new and special.

Writing the first draft of the Parent Hacks book is like going through a box of nine years’ worth of snapshots. The goal is a beautiful album representing those years, but to get there one must sort and edit and choose. Sorting and organizing aren’t my strong suits, so this is, I think, the hardest part for me.

Also (as if it’s not obvious), I’m a sentimentalist. Going through over 4000 posts and 35K comments has brought back so many memories!

You’ll get to be more involved with the book during its next phase — when I get the manuscript back after its initial edit. By then we’ll have something concrete to talk about. I want to know what YOUR favorite hacks are. What YOU think should go into the book.

You’ll meet my publisher, Workman. There are reasons I think Workman is the perfect publisher for this book. I’ll introduce you to the people working with me to make this happen: my editor and the book’s illustrator (ILLUSTRATOR!! EXCITING.), among others.

You’ll also meet one of the most superstar Parenthackers of all…someone I’ve been talking with since practically the first day this blog went live. She’s contributed so many hacks over the years, and she knows the contents of this site almost as well as I do. This person (who I will reveal in another post!) has lent perspective and guidance as I’ve written the first draft. I think of her like an angel sitting on my shoulder.

So! All is well. I’m a terrible multitasker, so apart from taking breaks to chat on Facebook and Twitter, I’m pretty much devoting my time to finishing this draft. My deadline is November 19. You know what I wish? We could all get together for coffee on November 20.

In the meantime, tell me how you’re doing! Tell me about your Fall, your holiday plans, and what you’re reading. Or what’s on your mind. Or just say hi. It gets lonely during a big, quasi-solo project (especially now that it’s dark SO EARLY). Your voices cheer me to no end.

Comment, Facebook, Twitter, wherever you like. Thank you all for making this possible. I want to do you proud. XOXO