

Your Pisces Child

  ALL ABOUT YOUR WATER BABY If you have a child, and they are a Pisces, you’ve been blessed. They are one of the most special, because of their sensitive and emotional ways. These “Water Babies of the Cosmos” are also highly intuitive and have been known to connect at a deeper level then most. […]

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5 Important Approaches To Teens And Dating

Recently, Tyga and Kylie Jenner made headlines when it was confirmed they were dating. The problem, she’s underage (17) and he’s not (25).  Many people quote the saying ‘age is just a number’. To be honest, at a certain point I do agree with it, but only when the relationship is between two consenting adults. What kids […]

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Grounding Your Kids – Does it Work?

We have all done it. Your kid does that one thing one more time that drives you crazy. Whether it is being late for dinner or playing rough in the house, the result is the same. You lose it and tell them they are grounded. Probably the same way your own parents did. But does […]

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Check-out Aisle Candy, Family Routines, And The Surprising Way Schedules Can Transform Your Life

  Hawkins Stern is the economist you’ll have to thank for the rest of your kid’s childhood; he’s the reason why there’s candy at the check-out line in every store in America. Stern was the man who discovered ‘suggestion impulse buying’, which is when people see a product and visualize a need for it, not […]

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Strategies For Avoiding Power Struggles

  Parents and children both can walk away from power struggles feeling disconnected, exasperated, and confused. Even when one party gets their way, there are usually never any true winners. Here are 7 Strategies for avoiding power struggles in the first place. 1. Identify Why The Power Struggle Is Happening “A common reason for power struggles, is a […]

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5 Fears All Parents Go Through

It’s amazing how carefree you live before you have a child. You live day to day, never worrying about the little things. However, once you become pregnant, your entire world changes. Fear becomes a constant; not from the same things, but because there always seems to be something new. For instance, while I was pregnant […]

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Nailing Transitions

Transitions are hard for children. Change is actually difficult for all human beings to handle well, but children can experience this anxiety not just when they are leaving a neighborhood or their school, but just when they are leaving the park or their toys and free time behind. If you have two (or four) children […]

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How To Pack Your Hospital Bag for Birth

  Double check to make sure you have your picture ID and insurance card. Don’t bring expensive jewelry unless you really have your heart set on wearing it for the photos. Only bring enough cash for parking and snacks but leave the rest at home. Hospitals provide diapers and wipes—leave your stash at home. You […]

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Talking To Your Kids About Tragedy: Young High School Teacher Takes Her Own Life At School

  A photography teacher at a local Southern California high school appears to have committed suicide by hanging herself in a classroom.   Jillian Jacobson, 31, was found Monday at El Dorado High School, said Lt. Eric Point, with Placentia Police. There wasn’t any indication of foul play, and every indication that she took her […]

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The Craziest Reasons Tantrums Erupt

I have to admit. It never ceases to amaze me on what can cause a child to pitch a tantrum. In less than a minute, your sweet and good natured kid can turn into a screaming little terror. It can be over something obvious, like a sibling took something away; or it can be a […]

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5 Basic Facts About Interfaith Parenting

Times change and people no longer marry only within the constructs of their religion. In fact, interfaith marriages are now quite common. When couples do not practice the same faith, children can often be raised interfaith – meaning they learn about both religions. Interfaith is often chosen as a compromise for most couples, because it […]

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Surprising Adventures of Foster Parents

  There are a lot of details that you should be familiar with if you are going to try and become a foster parent.  Being a foster parent can be an amazing and rewarding experience but it can also be a struggle and something that is overwhelming.  The process to become a foster parent takes […]

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