Your Pisces Child


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If you have a child, and they are a Pisces, you’ve been blessed. They are one of the most special, because of their sensitive and emotional ways. These “Water Babies of the Cosmos” are also highly intuitive and have been known to connect at a deeper level then most. They are also known to have a deep perspective, and like their water sign and symbol(fish), the tend to swim in water all of their lives. They feel a sense of everything at such a deep level. These children are the dreamers of the zodiac because of their rich imaginations. Your Pisces child will more than likely try things that make you happy (People Pleasers), so urge them to go after their own dreams, regardless of what you may think. Clear the path in front of them, so they are able to succeed!



Raising your Piscean is easy, because at the end of the day, all they want to do is be loved and boy do they know how to love. They are sentimental and romantic, making cards of appreciation for you. Make sure you tell them often how much you love them and how special they are because with a lot of love, they will grow up with a strong self-worth. Teach your child early, the ways of the water, for they will be the happiest swimming freely. In the younger years of life, your Pisces child will want to explore their imagination as much as they can. Let them be creative, telling stories of make believe. Some often mistake this as being told lies, but its the nature of the Pisces to be in fairy tale land most of the time.



Your Pisces child will have to learn not to take too much of other peoples cares and burdens, which they do willingly, because of the type of person they are. Due to the kind nature of your Pisces child, they will grow up to be very caring people. They will more than likely, venture down the path of helping people by counseling or volunteering in life.  As your Pisces child gets older, they will lose their rosey-eye view of life and adapt to the real world and as long as they are well loved and nurtured.



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