The Craziest Reasons Tantrums Erupt


I have to admit. It never ceases to amaze me on what can cause a child to pitch a tantrum. In less than a minute, your sweet and good natured kid can turn into a screaming little terror. It can be over something obvious, like a sibling took something away; or it can be a mystery you may never find out. Whatever the case, it happens to everyone; and here are ten crazy reasons kids throw tantrums.

  1. For Not Getting Their Way.

    Although this comes as no surprise, this reason can also be quite entertaining.  For instance, when you have to explain to your child they cannot become a living, breathing cartoon when they grow up.

  2. Slicing Food.

    For some reason, food has to be perfect when it comes to kids. I’ve learned from firsthand experience to ask my child how she wants to eat her food first. Otherwise, it can lead to a meltdown for slicing/cutting the food item incorrectly.

  3. Doing Something for Them.

    Kids want to be independent. Therefore, once you allow them to do something, it can cause a meltdown when they are not allowed to do it again the next time around.

  4. She Touched Me.

  5. Not the Right Item.

    This has to be one of my all time favorite meltdown reasons, because it doesn’t matter if you hand them one of 50 identical white cups. They will know if you didn’t hand them the correct one.

  6. He Looked At Me.

  7. Doing What They Ask.

    For instance, a few nights ago my daughter told me to leave her room after she finished saying her prayers. I told her goodnight, and she started pitching a fit.

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