5 Basic Facts About Interfaith Parenting


Times change and people no longer marry only within the constructs of their religion. In fact, interfaith marriages are now quite common. When couples do not practice the same faith, children can often be raised interfaith – meaning they learn about both religions. Interfaith is often chosen as a compromise for most couples, because it allows children to learn about both religions before allowing them to choose which faith they wish to practice.

  1. Helps Promote Diversity. Interfaith children tend to be more understanding of other religions. They don’t discriminate nor place one religion as more important than another, even when they choose a faith to practice. Children from interfaith marriages understand there is no superior religion, but just other forms of it.
  2. Interfaith Allows You to Expose Your Child to Multiple Cultures. As parents, we may teach our child about the faith we practice, but ultimately it is our child’s decision what faith they follow. Interfaith allows you to give your child the basis for both familial traditions, instead of forcing one or the other onto them.
  3. Being Interfaith Can Affect How Your Children Are Viewed. Unfortunately, just because individuals are with the times, doesn’t necessarily mean religious communities are. Due to traditions by different faiths, the family may or may not be accepted by the religious community. For instance, if a child is raised Jewish by a Christian mother, the only way Conservative or Orthodox Jews will recognize (accept) them in their community, is if they undergo a conversion.
  4. Many Religious Leaders Disagree with Raising Children Interfaith. They argue it is too confusing for a child to be raised with multiple faiths; and at some point, one religion will take precedence over the other.
  5. Interfaith Promotes Family Unity. When raising children interfaith, you show both parents are equal in the family. It allows you to have both parents attend each celebration or holiday event, without anyone feeling left out or like a guest. Although at some point each parent will have to sacrifice on certain traditions, neither one will have to give up everything.
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