Author: metime


On Hobby Lobby, employee injustice, and the inconvenient cost of caring

This week the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby’s right to deny coverage of birth control methods they deem to be “abortifacients,” and it seems like the whole internet exploded in outrage. My facebook and twitter feed were lit up with rants about women’s rights and boycotts and religious tyranny. And I get […]

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How to survive the summer as a work-at-home mom

Kahil Gibran once suggested that joy and sorrow are inseparable. They arrive together, he wrote. "When one sits alone with you … remember that the other is asleep upon your bed." I get it, man. You’re describing what summertime is to me. Growing up, summer was the best thing in the world, and I love […]

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How Exodus Road brings freedom to victims of sex trafficking (and how you can help)

[photo by Jamie Wright] This is the only way to fight sexual trafficking. To walk into the shadows. To go face-to-face with the traffickers . . . to gather evidence and to partner with police and to prosecute in court. While rescue is a part of the job. Matt Parker explained that the real goal […]

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This Independence Day, help bring freedom to those who need it

[photo by Jamie Wright] This is the only way to fight sexual trafficking. To walk into the shadows. To go face-to-face with the traffickers . . . to gather evidence and to partner with police and to prosecute in court. While rescue is a part of the job. Matt Parker explained that the real goal […]

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QOES: Would you read your child’s diary?

An interesting dilemma came up today. India has kept a diary for much of the last year, and usually shares it with me. But today, she let me know that I’m not allowed to read it. And while I’m fine with that, since I suspect her current rants involve how annoying her brothers are and […]

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That’s what SHE said: pimp-shaming, having it all, looking smarter, being happy, and more . . .

10 Tricks To Appear Smart During Meetings | MediumWhenever someone gets up from the table and walks around, don’t you immediately respect them? I know I do. It takes a lot of guts but once you do it, you immediately appear smart. Fold your arms. Walk around. Go to the corner and lean against the […]

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What after-care looks like for victims of sex trafficking

Investigations are at the heart of what Exodus Road does. It is the way they help both rescue victims of sexual trafficking as well as prosecute the people who are trafficking women and children. But through the Liberty Alliance formed by Matt Parker, Exodus Road’s founder, the organization is also able to help children with […]

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How do get kids to do just about anything

Every once and I while I will post a picture on instagram that will cause someone to ask, “How do you get your kids to do that?” How do you get your kids to play chess?How do you get your kids to do yoga?How do you get your kids to watch that show? Well, today […]

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That’s what SHE said: The Exodus Road

I’ve been sharing stories from my trip to SE Asia, but my friends who went have also been sharing. Their posts echo my own experience and illuminate more of the work of the Exodus Road in their fight against trafficking . . . I hope you will check them out. Meet The Exodus Road | […]

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On why I make my kids do things they don’t want to do

I don’t love the idea of forcing kids to partake in an activity they aren’t thrilled about just because the parent thinks they should. I’ve watched in horror as parents forced their children onto little league fields, or as parents stood by while their toddler screamed through a ballet class, vowing that I would never […]

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Questions of eternal significance: Do you have a black-and-white chevron pillow from IKEA?

This may be the most random question I’ve ever asked in a blog post, but I need to know . . . Do you have these chevron black-and-white pillows in your home? I just feel like they’ve become a Thing. Maybe it’s because I have them. Maybe it’s just the old “when you’re shopping for […]

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