Hawkins Stern is the economist you’ll have to thank for the rest of your kid’s childhood; he’s the reason why there’s candy at the check-out line in every store in America. Stern was the man who discovered ‘suggestion impulse buying’, which is when people see a product and visualize a need for it, not […]
Tag: mom
I have to admit. It never ceases to amaze me on what can cause a child to pitch a tantrum. In less than a minute, your sweet and good natured kid can turn into a screaming little terror. It can be over something obvious, like a sibling took something away; or it can be a […]
Though comparison is hardly ever a good idea, we naturally tend to get our bearings from what others are doing and from the ‘communal standard’ that helps shapes our expectations. It’s easy to look around at other parents, other families, and to feel pretty ok about how you’re doing with your own brood. Here’s why […]
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s daughter North West is no stranger to the spotlight. So it’s no surprise their daughter has made headlines since before she was even born. Even though she’s barely walking, you can still learn these 4 life tips from the high-profile toddler. Dress the Part North made headlines by dressing the […]
When you have a baby, you end up going through an emotional roller coaster. One minute you’re extremely happy and overjoyed to see your little one, and the next minute you’re breaking into tears. Fortunately, this is all normal. However, if you continue to feel sad, worried, anxious, or extremely exhausted, it could be something […]
Most parents who discover that their child is autistic go through a number of different emotions and feelings. It can be a shock at first but ends up answering so many questions at the same time. Finding out that your child has autism means that there are a few things that you will need […]
As any parent can tell you, parenting isn’t easy. It amazes me how many people take it for granted, but parenthood is a privilege. There are plenty of people who want to be parents who never get the opportunity. However, when you do become one, you’re entrusted with the responsibilities of ensuring this living breathing […]
The short answer is as much as you want. I remember holding my 12-hour-old son when my mother in law exclaimed: “Are you letting him fall asleep in your arms? Don’t do that, you’ll spoil him and then he won’t go down by himself!” The advice comes from all angles: “Cloth diapers?! Why would you […]
Sports can help your child in a number of different areas of their development and improve upon their life. They can make new friends, build relationships, learn something new, become physically fit and healthy, and even learn how to be a part of the team. While you might be tempted as a parent to pick […]
While something might seem completely normal for people in one part of the world, it can seem completely strange where you live. For instance, in some parts of the world, what seems like a great thing is something that other parts of the world frown on. No Praise in China Chinese parents […]
I’m an advocate for breastfeeding. It is the most nutritional thing you can give your newborn baby, and offers a wide variety of health benefits. So it’s no surprise I love hearing when celebrities take the time to provide the very best for their children. Here are 10 celebrity moms who are avid supporters and […]
Today there is no clear definition of what a family is. This can be confusing to a child who sees the different dynamics and begins to worry about their own family being normal. Children are certain to ask a lot of questions and you have to be ready with clear and simple answers for them. […]