Tag: health


Healthy Snacks For Pregnant Mommies

Healthy Snacks For Pregnant Mommies Putting nutritious and healthy snacks in your body can be one of the best gifts you can give your sweet, precious baby. Here are some delicious quick and healthy snacks for any mother-to-be. Healthy Snacks: Chia Seed Pudding. Chia seeds are tasteless, but packed with all the good stuff: omega 3‘s, fiber […]

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Getting Your Child To Eat Their Veggies: Tips That Work

Getting Your Child To Eat Their Veggies: Tips That Work We’ve all experienced a child that doesn’t like to eat their veggies. If your toddler’s least favorite thing to do is eating greens, show her the right way. One of the simplest ways to get your kids to eat their vegetables is to lead by […]

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Breastfeeding Celebrity Moms

Breastfeeding Celebrity Moms   There have been more than a few images floating around of celebrity mom’s “multitasking” as they get their hair and make-up done and simultaneously breastfeeding. An article on ABC News about Gisele Bundchen instagramming a picture of herself getting her hair, make-up and nails done while she was breastfeeding was attacked […]

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The Importance Of Babies And Probiotics

The Importance Of Babies And Probiotics Getting ready for the arrival of your baby has you questioning all normal things. You’re wondering if your child will have visible signs of being healthy; all of her toes, fingers, and good lung capacity. However, it’s important to think about her health and long-term wellness, so you’ll be […]

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What Causes A UTI In Children?

What Causes A UTI In Children? Urinary tract infections (UTI) are very common in young children due to still learning the process of going to the potty themselves. Little ones don’t play close attention to wiping correctly, which causes bacteria to spread into the urinary tract. Although bacteria isn’t normally found in the urine, it […]

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How To Easily Make Homemade Nut Butter

How To Easily Make Homemade Nut Butter A premium homemade nut butter is becoming a hot commodity, and for most parents, it’s tastier. Homemade nut butter tastes incredible and fresh compared to its pre-made and processed competition. Buying fancy nut butter at the store can be very expensive, but with a little patience and the […]

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Doctor Announces Cause of SIDS Breakthrough

Doctor Announces Cause of SIDS Breakthrough For years parents of newborn children have stood outside their babies crib in fear, listening for the telltale sound of their child breathing. SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the reason for the tragic death of 3,500 babies each year in the U.S. who inexplicably die while sleeping. […]

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Adding More Fruits And Vegetables To Your Kids’ Diet

Adding More Fruits And Vegetables To Your Kids’ Diet Most moms, for whatever reason, chronically feel that their children aren’t eating enough of the ‘right diet’—even though their estimation of what that diet should be is very different for each mom. One thing most moms can agree on though, is that our kids should be […]

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Healthy Lunch For Kids

If you are like thousands of households across the nation, you probably pack your kids a healthy lunch before they head out to school. And if your kid is like thousands of kids across the nation, it may well be traded or tossed rather than ever get a chance to be eaten. There are dozens of reasons […]

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Clean Air And It’s Effect On Kids

  Clean Air Can Have A Huge Impact On Your Child’s Growth Air pollution is not only a global health issue, but it’s also a growing concern among most people, including parents. Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders in life and as their parents we need to teach them how important the environment is.  Air quality […]

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Tea: Health and Wellness In A Cup

Drinking tea daily is a wonderful habit to get into daily. Starting your day off with a cup of tea could be what you need. There are many different types of tea out there but in order to get the most out of your cup, try and drink the three teas I have listed. The […]

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Modern Day Parenting: Why Comparing Yourself To Others May Not Be A High Enough Standard

Though comparison is hardly ever a good idea, we naturally tend to get our bearings from what others are doing and from the ‘communal standard’ that helps shapes our expectations. It’s easy to look around at other parents, other families, and to feel pretty ok about how you’re doing with your own brood. Here’s why […]

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