

The Breastfeeding-in-Public Controversy Continues

You’ve seen the backlash against celebrities who have posted breastfeeding selfles online, and now, a California mom created more controversy when she shared a similar photo on Facebook. Why is breastfeeding so taboo? Tell us what you think on Twitter @FitPregnancy.  Related: The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding  

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Let Amazon help you better navigate your local library

Summertime is my favorite time at the library. This hack originally appeared in 2011, but it’s the perfect time to bring it back to light. — Asha "I don’t have anything to read!" Such is the lament of a kid who speeds through books like I speed through magazines. I’ve got a quick reader, and […]

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Activity #23: Build muscles at bootcamp

by Whitney Moss on July 14, 2014 in Bay Area,Green,Mommy,Month 3,Outside,Portland By the time my first baby was 10 weeks old, I had not exercised for about 6 months. Baby Bootcamp was my re-introduction to sweating and I loved it. I was not a gym-goer in my normal life, and Baby Bootcamp was perfect for […]

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Life Lately

I thought it would be fun to post a few fun things that have been drifting around in my head this week! This post may contain affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Copy Cat Chic.

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Murrieta is a Mess: Border Crisis and Confusion

Two weeks ago a crowd of angry protesters faced off with border patrol agents in Murrieta, California, where the city’s mayor and residents blocked buses carrying immigrant children who were going to be processed there. Some saw anti-immigration protestors as patriots bravely standing up against a failed federal government. But when I went to the […]

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How generous are you, really?

by Lisa ByrneAbout a year ago, I was on the couch at the end of a very long and exhausting day catching up with my husband. I remember saying to him, “I used to be a generous person.” In my pre-mom life, I went on international volunteer trips, I built schools and taught English in […]

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AMAZON DEAL: Big Book of Boy Stuff for Kindle only $1.99

Bart King is on my mind for five reasons. I saved the best for last. 1. He’s the author of two of my kids’ favorite books. He’s written many books, but two of my kids’ longtime favorites are The Big Book of Boy Stuff and The Big Book of Gross Stuff. 2. He’s a local author, like really local. I […]

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Falling off the Wellness Wagon

Running a health and wellness website like this one has its unique challenges.  We want to post as many articles as we can to keep you motivated and on the path to wellness, but in the process, we don’t want to paint an unrealistic picture of our lives.  We are busy mothers, and sometimes, that […]

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On Hobby Lobby, employee injustice, and the inconvenient cost of caring

This week the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby’s right to deny coverage of birth control methods they deem to be “abortifacients,” and it seems like the whole internet exploded in outrage. My facebook and twitter feed were lit up with rants about women’s rights and boycotts and religious tyranny. And I get […]

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Easy Passion Fruit Mousse {Brazilian Mousse de Maracuja}

Since all eyes are on Brazil these days, I thought it would be fun to share one of my all-time favorite Brazilian desserts.  Here in the US, things labeled with the flavor of passion fruit very, very rarely actually taste like passion fruit.  It tends to be used as a generalized term for anything remotely […]

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Tech Tuesday: Save hassle with Can I Stream.It

by Heather Flett on July 8, 2014 in Free/Cheap,Geeky,We Love It (For Mom) I share this tip in the hopes that I’m not the last person on Earth to discover My family has “no cable;” instead we have a hodge-podge of other subscription services like Hulu-plus and Netflix with a little Amazon streaming and iTunes […]

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How to behave: a Mom’s Group toolbox

Years ago, I went to my first mom’s group meeting, lugging my 5-week old in his bucket carseat. My c-section scar was still hurting when I lifted the seat and my breasts were so large from nursing that I felt unlike myself. Normally petite, abeit with C-cups passed down through many generations of voluptuous Russian […]

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