Breaking Gender Roles: Stay At Home Dads There’s a new trend and it’s being one of the many rising stay at home dads. Instead of mommy taking care of the children, making meals and changing diapers, daddy’s deciding to assume all of her responsibilities and lastly, hand his title of “breadwinner” over to his […]
Doctor Announces Cause of SIDS Breakthrough For years parents of newborn children have stood outside their babies crib in fear, listening for the telltale sound of their child breathing. SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the reason for the tragic death of 3,500 babies each year in the U.S. who inexplicably die while sleeping. […]
Save Time & Money With Laundry Hacks Laundry Hack 1 The first key to reducing the time and cost it takes to do laundry is to not launder clothes that don’t actually need to be washed yet. Here are some great guidelines from the website The Art Of Manliness: “You don’t have to wash everything […]
Blending your family isn’t always easy. When it comes to bonding child with step-parents it might be a bit tough too. Depending on the age of the child, they could be not accepting of a new parent in their life. Another thing to consider is how the child’s natural parent feels, and whether they may […]
Does Your Toddler Head Bump? Do you ever notice your child bumping their head on their crib right before they go to sleep and then once they exhaust themselves, they pass right out? Twenty- percent of babies and toddlers bang their head on purpose, with boys being three times more likely to do so than […]
Celebrities can seem high and mighty to the rest of us. However, when it gets down to it, many celebrities are more down to earth than you think. Just take a look at these celebrity families and see that they’re just trying to run through the same obstacles in life that you are. Celebrity […]
One thing that every parent hates is when his or her child is being bullied. Our mother hen comes out and we want to rescue our child. We don’t’ want to see them hurt or upset. But, what is the right thing to do when this happens? How should we handle it when our child […]
Taylor Swift’s Mother Diagnosed With Cancer Taylor Swift, the 25-year-old musical sensation, shared some very sad news with her fans last night, April 8, 2015. Swift updated her Tumblr account updating her fans that her mom was diagnosed with cancer. Below is a portion of the post: For Christmas this year, I asked my mom […]
When a parent first has an inclination their toddler is getting a cough, they try to do whatever is necessary to bring their sick child relief. Studies have shown that treating toddlers who suffer from colds and coughs should not be given OTC medications due to many of the dangerous side effects. The toddler […]
Getting Unschooled You’ve probably heard of “homeschooling” but have you heard of “unschooling?” The Washington Post interviewed a family that unschools their children, the Hewitts. The Hewitt family has two boys, Fin and Rye, which receive minimal formal education each day, their father estimates that they probably get less than two hours a day of […]
Best Toys For First Birthday Gift Ideas Your child is turning one and this is enough reason to celebrate. Most one-year-olds just get a thrill out of opening up presents, trying to untie the ribbon, and unwrapping the paper from the present. Here are some ideas for a first birthday gift. First Birthday […]
Entertain Your Kids With A Trip To The Zoo The zoo is a great place to educate children about animals. What’s more fun than a trip to the zoo with your little one? Seeing other little ones! The Los Angeles Zoo has an event going on from March 23 until April 26, 2015, inviting all […]