I have this deep and abiding love for deli meats and cheeses. Growing up, we always knew something was a big deal when my parents got a deli tray. Now that I’m an adult, I realize my mom was probably stressed and she knew it was something that would make everybody happy. And when it […]
When making an iced coffee or mixed coffee drink, I always think it’s a little better to use coffee rather than its smaller counterpart, a shot of espresso. Lucky for me, Nespresso has just come out with their new Nespresso VertuoLine system, which they so generously gifted me. This gorgeous thing makes espresso AND coffee. How perfect […]
Scarlett Johansson and her baby bump. (People) This will make you LLOL. Nineteen rookie mistakes new parents make. (Buzzfeed) Are scrunchies back? And are you wearing one? (NY Times) A site devoted to corny dad jokes. (Nice One Dad) Babies practice speaking well before they begin talking, a new study concludes. (Seattle Times) Is Blake […]
Since teaching our first two sold-out social media classes, I’ve been keeping in touch with students from each class and fielding questions from new students about what they’d like to see in upcoming classes. Their requests and follow-ups inspired me to not only come up with a full curriculum of classes (online and off) that […]
To see a reference of all of our looks for less, please follow my
My nine-year old son is a very picky eater. I was the same way. The world will not end over this, and he is certainly not lacking in the nutrition department — red bell pepper, raw spinach leaves, and hummus are on his limited list of approved foods. More than anything, it’s inconvenient. Going to […]
Not only is this a brilliant hack for keeping your valuables hidden, it’s the funny setup for a scene in which would-be petty thieves unwrap poop-filled decoys on beaches all over the world. Thanks for sharing, New Mom Thoughts! (She found this uncredited photo in a Facebook group. If anyone knows who created it, please […]
by Heather Flett on July 3, 2014 in We Love It (For Mom) I picked up my Roomba for $25 at a preschool yard sale. And I love it! Though I’m not sure I would pay full price for it, I would gratefully accept one as a gift. Let me tell you why I flipping […]
God bless all of you lovely dryads for sending me this video a thousand times today. "I’m not sure if you’ve seen this yet…" "Just putting this here…" "HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW KSTEW VIDEO" (no one even bothers to mention Jenny Lewis, FITTINGLY.) Other people, I believe, are in this music video. Anne Hathaway […]
Play is learning as are new experiences, reading books, creating art… there is very little if any time when a child isn’t learning! The trick is choosing what you want them to learn about. Luckily we have Link & Learn to point us in all different directions. There is no way one blog can provide […]
10 Tricks To Appear Smart During Meetings | MediumWhenever someone gets up from the table and walks around, don’t you immediately respect them? I know I do. It takes a lot of guts but once you do it, you immediately appear smart. Fold your arms. Walk around. Go to the corner and lean against the […]
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