This post is my contribution to Blogust ’14—Shot@Life’s month-long campaign to provide vaccinations for kids in need around the world. I’m writing on the theme of "Happy and Healthy Firsts." You can help Parent Hacks unlock 500 vaccine donations by leaving a comment or clicking “Tweet” or “Like” below. (Details at the end of the post.) […]
Okay. Can we talk a little about shrimp? And how they’re one of the friendlier seafoods? Even non-seafood-lovers often enjoy shrimp. Shrimp are widely available and easy to cook and can be served in a wide variety of ways. Shrimp is lean and protein-packed and delicious. What’s not to love, right? I will tell you. […]
Baby names…it’s a topic that never gets old to us, which is why we’re bringing you this first installment of our baby name guessing game, featuring what some might dub “hipster” names anointed to the offspring of celebs in the fashion world, Hollywood, and the music industry. A fair warning: It’s not all that easy! […]
Kids and screentime is a hot topic these days. (We even dipped our toes into the subject right here.) And while letting your children watch programs on the TV, iPad, or smartphone is a totally personal choice, new research out of the University of Iowa is hoping to shed a little light onto what types […]
Coconut oil has recently become one of the most talked about “beauty” breakthroughs because of its countless uses, health benefits, and, of course, its inexpensive price tag. If you’re not already nuts for this delicious-smelling miracle oil, then it’s high time you see what all the fuss is about. Apparently coconut oil can be used for everything—from cooking to […]
When it rains, it pours—especially when gloomy weather is putting a damper on your outside plans and keeping your energizer bunny of a toddler from playing outdoors. Being cooped up inside all day is boring for kids, and it’s good to have a few indoor activities up your sleeve. So, we’ve found five rainy day activities that are fun… […]
We’ve already told you about the film Breastmilk (a couple of times, actually!). And now we’d like you to hear about the thought-provoking movie from the woman who made it, director and mama of two, Dana Ben-Ari. We suggest you watch the film asap (if you haven’t already, it’s now on iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon […]
If you’re like many new parents, you obsess about every detail of your baby, pretty much every second of the day (perhaps even while your little one is sleeping). You’re also likely very sleep deprived. Enter Sproutling, a brand-spankin’-new baby monitor that promises to learn and predict your baby’s unique behaviors and, in turn, make your life “a […]
Have a baby on the way, but not an extra room to spare for a nursery? Don’t worry, lots of mothers have had this problem before you, and it wasn’t necessarily solved by upgrading to a bigger pad. In fact, all it takes is a little imagination to convert your current master bedroom into a […]
Are you obsessed with artist and designer Jen Garrido as much as we are? We thought so. Now, get a double-dose of the talented mama of Jemma Bee with her Bay Area short list, below! What are your favorite places in your city to… Eat with the kids? “Japantown or my absolute favorite place is […]
Back to school shopping is in full swing, in fact some schools are opening their doors any day now, while others still have a few more weeks of summer vacation before the first bell rings. That said, many of us moms are already hitting the stores, tackling long lists of classroom supplies. One thing that all of our… […]
We all know how fun it is to peek into someone’s makeup bag, to have a good look at their closet, and even a gaze inside someone’s refrigerator. But, what about peeping their book shelf? We think what people are reading says a whole lot about them. Which is why we’re excited to debut our new series on […]