I remember when I first moved to Idaho and heard friends talking about planting blackberries in their yards. I was taken aback, because where I’m from in the Pacific Northwest no one actually plants blackberries. That’s ridiculous. In fact, they’re kind of invasive and some people even go to great lengths to get rid of […]
I love using contact paper for murals. I did zero instruction during this fall art for kids activity. My daughter counted pom poms, called out colors, and even noticed the size difference of the pom poms. Your child may not label all this learning and verbally clue you into what they are learning but trust […]
Moms and sweatpants are kinda like best friends. We love them because they make us feel good, and are functional and easy to throw on in a jif. But they’re not always the most attractive thing walking down the hallways at school to drop off the kids. Some moms (we won’t name names) wear them to bed and when they rise, poof—already… […]
I’m undone by the beauty and wisdom of Cheryl Strayed’s Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar. Exquisite, funny, shocking, real and oh, so generous. I picked it up on impulse from Powell’s and read it in a matter of hours. I met Cheryl years ago at a literary salon in […]
It’s late and I have been busy putting my new sun room office together , so busy I almost forgot about Link & Learn! I love seeing what other blogs are up to and hope my readers do too. Please feel free to link up a post or two about crafts for kids or any […]
I remember trading lunches with other kids back when I was in school. But with teachers and cafeteria monitors walking around and a much greater sensitivity to allergies and dietary needs, those days are gone. Which I am totally cool with, by the way. Because, seriously, I don’t know who made that kid’s lunch, and […]
I want you to know that I’m trying. My niece keeps posting exercise related status updates on Facebook: “Workout till it hurts!” “You have to put the hard work in to get results!” “I’m sick of people whining about being fat – if you’d work out as hard as I do, you wouldn’t be fat!” That […]
Fresh herbs are one of my favorite things about having a home garden, but they’re also one of the hardest things for me to keep up with. They need quite a bit of trimming and pinching back to really stay viable and they can get out of control really quickly. I use a lot of […]
Tis the season to preserve all of the fresh tastes of summer. Even if you’re not a hard-core canner, there’s tons of fun stuff here to use and enjoy. Here’s what we’re giving away today! Vintage Green Glass Jars Ball had me last year with their special edition blue jars, and they’ve done it again […]
So you hear all the time about brining big things like whole turkeys and chickens, but did you know that you can also brine small cuts of meat like pork tenderloins and chicken pieces? It’s true. It’s a great way to get a lot of flavor and moisture into the meat quickly. Now…I’m not a […]
Last month on The Scoop we posed a question: If you could have 25% more of anything in your life, what would it be? People from all across the country and from all walks of life piped up with great ideas. Reading them just made me want more of everything! I wish I could list […]
Okay, first of all, if you guys remember, to show you how much we appreciate you guys participating in our Scoop posts, we’re picking a commenter from the previous month’s Scoop posts and sending them a little prize! This month, it was Allison from the Snicker’s post a few weeks ago. We’re sending Allison a […]