How To Easily Make Homemade Nut Butter A premium homemade nut butter is becoming a hot commodity, and for most parents, it’s tastier. Homemade nut butter tastes incredible and fresh compared to its pre-made and processed competition. Buying fancy nut butter at the store can be very expensive, but with a little patience and the […]
Tabitha Anne Bennett Under Fire For Instigating Fight Tabitha Anne Bennett from Pasco County, Florida, a 34-year-old mother instigated a physical fight between her 13-year-old daughter and another 14-year-old girl. Bennett claimed that her daughter was being bullied and wanted to give her an opportunity to “get even,” reported China Topix. Bennet has been charged […]
Getting Rid of Clutter The first step to having less clutter in your house is to stop buying stuff. Most people don’t need more organizational systems; they need less stuff. Most people have a misguided notion of how much stuff they actually need. There are a lot of great resources for how to deal with […]
Coping With Divorce-Supporting Your Kids In Dr. Phil’s book, Family First: Your Step-by-Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family, he lists the most important needs of children while their parents are going through a divorce. Dr Phil advises: Your overall goal should be to meet all of these needs, in order to minimize the price your child […]
Alternate To Not Talking To Strangers I don’t teach my children to avoid talking to strangers. Shocking, I know. I live in LA and New York City, walk everywhere with my kids, and I love meeting new people so we talk to strangers all the time. Secondly, I think that most of the advice on teaching […]
A Guide Choosing A Car Seat Unless you are only a walk away from the hospital, new parents need a car seat from day one (it’s required to leave the hospital—even if you’re taking a taxi). All 50 states require car child restraints, usually until the child is at least 7 years old and over […]
Children’s Online Safety Recently, there have been new threats to parents and children over the internet known as “cyber kidnapping”, a direct threat to online safety. It occurs when someone takes an image of someone else’s child on a social media website and posts it as if the child is their own. There was a […]
Keeping Calm And Gaining Control Mothers all go through the same thing with their children at different stages of their life. There comes a time when to be the parent and when to have fun with your little one. Sometimes it means we have to be strict, firm and not lose our cool by […]
Free Range Parenting Causes Another Investigation You may have heard of the Meitiv family which was placed under investigation by Child Protective Services after letting their children walk home alone from the park, part of the free range parenting movement. Parents Alexander and Danielle Meitiv decided to let their 10 year old son and […]
How Much Is Too Much TV? As a parent, are you concerned with your kids watching too much TV? Do you often wonder if your child should even be watching TV, due to being so young? Although some screen time is beneficial because it’s educational, but some of us go overboard with too much […]
Child Dropped Into Cheetah Exhibit A mother of a two-year-old boy is being charged with a misdemeanor for child endangerment in Cleveland, Ohio. On Saturday April 11, 2015 Michelle Schwab dropped her son into a cheetah exhibit at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. According to WKYC news Schwab is the assistant director at the Sawmill Road KinderCare […]