Keeping Calm And Gaining Control As A Parent

keeping calm

Keeping Calm And Gaining Control


Mothers all go through the same thing with their children at different stages of their life. There comes a time when to be the parent and when to have fun with your little one. Sometimes it means we have to be strict, firm and not lose our cool by keeping calm. When we get mommy guilt, and give in, this shows our little one that they’ve won and we’ve lost. Gaining respect from our little one takes time and patience and definitely never comes to mother’s that give in to their every need.


Here are some tips for keeping calm:


You, yourself.

As mothers, we are selfless. Which also means you’re a good mother.  No matter what, take time for yourself and relax in that bubble bath every night, and also take date nights with your man, whatever it takes for keeping calm. If you’re taken care of, the kids will be happier. It’s a win, win!


An outlet.

Keeping calm can be achieved by venting to a supportive person in your life. When you feel close to the edge, call them and use them as a soundboard to vent emotions and feelings you feel inside.


 No battles.

Setting limits for your toddler will greatly improve his behavior. By letting some things go “using the same fork for meals) and not saying “no” to everything, will help in keeping calm and keeping him controllable. Decide which rules to go by and let the rest go.


Know your limits.

Even though we might have other stuff going on inside our heads keeping calm is important when our toddler’s whining just pushes us over the edge. There might be things that need to be done and deadlines for work that need to be made, but instead of stressing run to the park instead. Life is way too short and our little one’s won’t be little forever.


A Timeout.

If you feel as if your being pushed to the limit, getting to the point of losing your cool, leave the room (as long as your child is safe) to close your eyes and breathe deeply.


Try Distracting.

If you feel as though your little one is getting close to the edge try and distract him. Tell him a joke, tickle him, make a funny face, turn on his favorite song or make him look at a cool object outside, one he’s never seen before.

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