Road trip snacks, anyone? No kidding: Mikeasaurus has thought through the food safety issues on this one. Consider this the silver lining on your next drive in the insane summer heat. Read the full how-to at Instructables: Dashboard Baking Give a little link love! If you come across something you think qualifies as a parent hack, share […]
Category: Mom Hacks
Look at this smart reuse for an IKEA magazine holder! This could work well over a kid’s desk to stash art or homework supplies. OR as a charging station for the family’s mobile devices. Read the full how-to at Design*Sponge: DIY Wednesdays: Catch-All Shelf Give a little link love! If you come across something you think […]
This simple trick will dramatically simplify packing for a family trip, save you money in checked baggage fees, and get your family through airport security in record time. I stumbled onto this tip as we headed on our vacation (those are my family’s suitcases, plus a bonus peek at @PDXCarpet). 1. Each person’s clothing goes […]
This post is my contribution to Blogust ’14—Shot@Life’s month-long campaign to provide vaccinations for kids in need around the world. I’m writing on the theme of "Happy and Healthy Firsts." You can help Parent Hacks unlock 500 vaccine donations by leaving a comment or clicking “Tweet” or “Like” below. (Details at the end of the post.) […]
I’m writing the "Preparing for Baby" chapter in the forthcoming Parent Hacks book (did I mention I’m writing a book?) and it occured to me that some of my future readers may read it while on bed rest. Photo credit: Brooklyn Museum Online Collection I’m doing research into how folks handle bed rest, but (not […]
As I talked about in my "What’s Next for Parent Hacks" post, parent hacks don’t just live here — they’re circulating all over the Internet. The trick is finding the good stuff. I’m moving the Parent Hacks submission process from email to social media. When you include #parenthacks with the tips or links you post on your Facebook, Twitter, […]
Summertime is my favorite time at the library. This hack originally appeared in 2011, but it’s the perfect time to bring it back to light. — Asha "I don’t have anything to read!" Such is the lament of a kid who speeds through books like I speed through magazines. I’ve got a quick reader, and […]
Bart King is on my mind for five reasons. I saved the best for last. 1. He’s the author of two of my kids’ favorite books. He’s written many books, but two of my kids’ longtime favorites are The Big Book of Boy Stuff and The Big Book of Gross Stuff. 2. He’s a local author, like really local. I […]
Jen of Mama Papa Bubba turned a binder and a set of pencil pouches into a sweet portable activity kit for little travelers. Click through to her post for the full how-to. Her homemade toys would take a fair amount of time to make yourself, but you can easily use this idea as a jumping off […]
When Christine and I launched Minimalist Parenting, interviewers inevitably asked us: But aren’t you afraid "minimalist parenting" will lead to lazy, unmotivated kids? It’s not a bad question. How can kids come to know their capabilities without a push (sometimes a firm one) out of their comfort zones? Kristen Howerton wrote a fantastic piece about why […]
Summer fitness! Easier in some ways (sun, warmth) but harder in others (lack of school year routine, vacation "breaks). If you’re looking for support, the next session of "Home Sweat Home" — my friend Alisa’s 8-week online strength training program — is about to begin. Alisa is a fabulous personal trainer and motivator extraordinaire, and […]
Not only is this a brilliant hack for keeping your valuables hidden, it’s the funny setup for a scene in which would-be petty thieves unwrap poop-filled decoys on beaches all over the world. Thanks for sharing, New Mom Thoughts! (She found this uncredited photo in a Facebook group. If anyone knows who created it, please […]