Top 3 Absolute Worst Parents on TV

Top 3 Absolute Worst Parents on TV

When it comes to parents, there’s no perfect answer.  The best we can do is hope that we don’t end up like the worst parents on TV as listed below.  Use these individuals as inspirations on what NOT to do when it comes to parenting.

Al and Peg Bundy of Married with Children


Al is the father of two kids and is married to Peg. Neither parent is an aspiring role model for their children. It seems that Al peaked in high school and was “cursed” with a bad job as a shoe salesman. Peg enjoys day time TV and does not ever want to cook or clean, in the episode intro Peg is seen smoking cigarettes as she makes salad. She constantly insults Al and then spends the little money that he makes. What a disaster!

 Worst Parents on TV

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