Coping With Infertility And Other Options

Coping With Infertility And Other Options


There comes a time in life when two people get married and then try for a baby. They’ve discussed having a family throughout their relationship, hoping they would get pregnant quick. They timed the months perfectly and the time is now. Years go by, and after numerous false responses, they realize that life isn’t perfect. Together they’ll need to consider the possibility of infertility.


Recognize the problem.

Having a problem with infertility can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to face in life. Understanding that there’s a problem will help with the coping process. It’s completely normal to feel a sense of loss, or be extremely sad during this time. Accepting the emotions you’re feeling, whether sad, depressed or overwhelmed, can help you move forward.


It’s Not Your Fault.

It’s normal to be angry at yourself, thinking of past moments of regret that lead you to this point. Dismiss all negative thoughts coming into your mind and think of only positive things. Negative thinking makes anything worse, especially with not conceiving. Dismiss any negative thinking by telling yourself you will get through this because your strong. Concentrate on the future ahead of you.


Be A Team.

Infertility can weigh heavily on a relationship. Pay attention to what the other is going through, and take care of each other emotionally. It’s important to work together and find ways to help each other. If one is going through testing, the other person can fill out paperwork. Share the burden by finding practical ways to work together.


Set Limits.

Often times, couples go to extreme measures, spending thousands of dollars, while exhausting all their options. Take in consideration the medical odds of getting pregnant and then discuss what insurance is willing to pay and not pay. Discuss your assets and then determine how much you can spend on infertility treatments and when to stop trying.


Get Educated & Seek Professional Help.

With the technologies of treatments changing quickly, this makes infertility a complicated subject. By staying educated and by knowing what’s going on medically, this will help you make informed choices needed to go further. It would also be helpful to find a therapist trained in reproductive medicine, to talk to, and come up with a plan.

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