What Causes A UTI In Children?

What Causes A UTI In Children?


Urinary tract infections (UTI) are very common in young children due to still learning the process of going to the potty themselves. Little ones don’t play close attention to wiping correctly, which causes bacteria to spread into the urinary tract. Although bacteria isn’t normally found in the urine, it can easily spread to the urinary tract from the skin around a child’s bottom (bacteria E. coli).


The Signs And Symptoms To Watch For:


  • Young children could have a return of accidents and/or bed-wetting, shortly after their potty training.
  • A child’s urine shouldn’t be a rusty color, (a sign of blood) smell bad or even look cloudy.
  • A child who is experiencing low back pain or could even experience pain in their belly.
  • Children who experience a low to mid-grade fever is a key symptom. Toddlers two years old and younger might not have any other symptoms besides a fever.
  • Children who are vomiting, having diarrhea, loss of appetite, fussiness, weight loss or lethargy.


How To Prevent UTI


Teach To Properly Wipe.


A toddler who just learned to use the potty is still excited about being a big girl and doing it all by herself. Teach her the importance of wiping front to back so she doesn’t wipe bacteria from her bottom to her vagina. Wiping too hard can also irritate their bottom and genitals allowing for bacteria to enter urethra.


Fluids, Fluids & Fluids.


Like adults, when children are well hydrated they flush out any bacteria that could’ve made its way in. Giving natural cranberry juice (one without all the sugar) can prevent bacteria from staying inside the urethra. Eliminate all caffeinated, carbonated and citrus beverages.


Cotton Underwear.


Make sure your child wears cotton briefs during the day to eliminate moisture from creeping up in the area that harbors bacteria growth. After bathing, it’s best to let your child sleep brief-less to air out her bottom.


Frequent Trips To Potty.


Encourage your child to consistently use the bathroom at least every two hours. Flushing out the bladder can be extremely important, especially when it comes to kids that have ongoing UTIs.


Skip Bubble Baths.


Unless it’s all-natural, fragrance free bubble bath, it’s strongly discouraged. Perfumed soaps inflame genitals, which can be easier for bacteria to enter urethra. After both shower and bath, encourage your little one to urinate.


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