5 Important Approaches To Teens And Dating


Recently, Tyga and Kylie Jenner made headlines when it was confirmed they were dating. The problem, she’s underage (17) and he’s not (25).  Many people quote the saying ‘age is just a number’. To be honest, at a certain point I do agree with it, but only when the relationship is between two consenting adults. What kids really need to learn about is healthy relationships. They need to learn what is acceptable and what should be avoided. Use these helpful topics to get the ball rolling.

  1. Healthy Relationships

A healthy relationship offers both partners someone who will respect, value, and support the other person. Major decisions should be made together, both parties should always be able to be truthful with one another, and handle disputes with an open and honest approach. Each person should have both friends and interests outside of their relationship with one another.

  1. The Time Is Right…Now

The best time is before your child’s first date. Talk to them about what to look for in a romantic partner, how they should be treated, and to think about how they feel when they are with the other person.

  1. Danger…Will Robinson…Danger

Although there are many wonderful things you can experience when you are in a relationship, you need to let them know of the pitfalls and dangers. Topics can include stalking, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and other unsafe situation. Think about it. If your child isn’t aware of what is unhealthy, how will they know to let you know something is wrong?

  1. Rules, Rules, and More Rules

When setting the rules for dating, think about all the boundaries and expectations you expect for your child. Then use those to create the areas you feel need to be addressed with your child. Talk about who is allowed in the house when you aren’t home, what ages are appropriate for them to date, why large age gaps are not acceptable, and what time they need to be home by; how strict or lenient you want to be is up to you.

  1. Let’s Talk About Sex

You need to address the issue early on, because you have to be realistic. Whether you want it to happen or not, at some point your child will have sex. When that day comes, they should know how to be safe, as well as to reject more forceful approaches like “if you love me”.

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