Things You May Want To Reconsider When Parenting

Things You Should Refuse to Do as a Parent

One of the main goals as a parent is to raise your child is to teach your child what they need to know for when they become an adult and are able to venture out into the world without any problems. Sometimes kids can get a sense of entitlement because of how they are brought up. For instance, if they never have to pick up after themselves or learn how to use the washing machine, how will you expect them to be able to when they are off on their own? Encourage your child to be self-reliant. Avoid doing things as a parent that your child should do on their own. After all, how are they suppose to learn it if you never have them do it for themselves?

Introducing Your Child

You may not want your child to introduce themselves to everyone on the planet, but they should still be able to properly address someone with who they are. Show them how to shake hands, listen with eye contact, and to voice their answers in a firm voice.

Cleaning Up Their Mess

Messy room, dishes left on the table, one of the most common things parents should refuse to do is to pick up after their child. During the early stages, try to reinforce this behavior by making cleaning up your room into a game or offer positive reinforcement when your child does something without being asked.

Getting Things for Them

Any parent knows a child’s requests never stop. They continue throughout the day and continue on into tomorrow. However, some of the requests can easily be taken out of the equation. For instance, one of the most common requests is for a drink. This can easily be stopped by teaching them how to get their own glass of water.

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