Thanksgiving Crafts For Kids & More { Add Your Posts }

Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? More importantly at our house it’s my son’s 8th birthday. How in the world is he 8? This is the first picture I took of him for the blog way back in early 2008.

He’s getting closer and closer to my height and let’s not talk about his negotiation skills ” Mom, I would love to do this math activity for you and the blog, how about if I do I get… ” I’ve always asked my kids if they want to help me share ideas and now that he is 8 the answer is sometimes no and I respect that…school is his job, the blog is mine. Really though it just makes me work that much harder to find something so cool he can’t wait to do it.

He was born on Thanksgiving and in his honor let’s all share the very best Thanksgiving posts we have from this year and years past ( feel free to add multiple links). If Thanksgiving isn’t your thing just add a few favorites , I have shared so many Thanksgiving ideas ( check out yesterday’s Turkey post! ) I am going to share some of my son’s all time favorites :

Snow Globe Snowman

Knight’s Shield

Marshmallow Snowman

Painting With Water

Raising Boys Who Want To Read