STITCH FIX delivers current clothing to lazy moms

I’m pretty sure that STITCH FIX was invented just for me. Since it started in the Bay Area, it is highly possible that someone overheard my weird clothes-shopping peculiarities in some coffee shop and launched it into a startup. That really happens out here.

The deal is that real-life human stylists create a box of 5 items based on my style preferences, a questionnaire, what’s fashionable, and a sprinkling of Pinterest. Each month, I receive a new *fix* in the mail, then I try to take selfies and get my friends to democratically decide what to keep and what to return. I only pay for what I keep — but there is a major 25% incentive if I keep everything.

I can’t decide if I love it, but I have been having so much fun. This is what I’ve been sent so far in my three fixes.

My first STITCH FIX box was so exciting to open but, ultimately, unfulfilling. I was hoping my friends would go crazy for this bold new dress (#4) but nobody on facebook liked it at all. I wanted to keep top #3 but I could barely move my shoulders. I threw in my own shirt as a #5 decoy and several friends told me to return it. I kept the pants in #2 but instantly regretted it. The necklace was so not-my-style (NMS), I didn’t even photograph it.

I also discovered that my mirror is really dusty.

The second STITCH FIX was better in that I kept more stuff. But it was worse in that I spent real money. This is a dangerous game.

I liked dress #1 and tried to “stack the deck” by smiling in the picture. Then I realized that I don’t know how to photograph my face AND the clothes, so I gave up on that. I kept top #2 despite mixed reviews (and I have to wear it with a girdle to keep it flat). Necklace #3 is so cute but I haven’t worn it yet. Top #4 is heinous with my skin tone and I don’t care if you like it. Finally, even though I think it’s cute, blouse #5 is too shapeless to ever make it past my husband.

And then I just kept rolling the dice. I had heard from reliable people that the “third fix is the charm.” Obviously this is a subjective game we’re playing.

I got excited when I saw the polka dots but that’s because I have so many navy and white polka dots, I could wear nothing else for an entire week — pass. Blouse B is current, but the color and style makes me want to puke. Me in orange? Yuck! Blouse C was a fun pick that I would have never chosen for myself. I put on a fancy gray work skirt and felt like a professional. Then I grabbed the next thing in the pile and it was a pair of red skinny jeans; I also untucked the blouse for a wild and crazy look. Ding, ding, ding. My panel of voters said that this was the winning look. Nevermind that I was wearing my own red pixie pants in photo A. And nobody cared about the dress, so I saved myself some money and only kept Blouse C.

Stitch Fix might be for you if:

It might not be for you if:

So far, I’m still having fun and can’t quit. I feel like I’m receiving a very special present and have license to return it without hurting the gift-giver’s feelings. My next fix is due to arrive on August 5th.

What do you think?

Do YOU want to try Stitch Fix? If you’d like to get a pile of clothes in the mail, click here to start the sign-up process.

Have you tried this or another service like it? I’m always looking for next easy thing! If you’re more like Whitney and LOVE shopping, STITCH FIX hires SAHMs (among others) to be their stylists, check out 7 flexible jobs for stay-at-home moms.


Not sponsored but if you join via my referral link, I may score some bonus clothes.