Daily Practice: Keep It Fresh!

You are probably bored because not only are you doing the same thing over and over again, but you are doing it in the same location. Time to change up your surroundings! Take your practice outside.  If you practice at home, take classes at a studio.  If you always go to a studio, take online classes at home.  A new location offers new perspective and freshens up a dull practice.

Try a different type of yoga!  There are so many different kinds of yoga. . . from Vinyasa to Yin to Restorative to Acro Yoga to Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Yoga. This past week I had the pleasure of doing SUP Yoga.  It was amazing! Along with it being a completely different and new experience, it brought me back to the basics. I never realized how much I took the basic postures for granted until I tried doing them while floating on a board in the middle of water. Get out there and experience something new!

Doing ANYTHING alone is fun for a second but can get boring after a while.  Find a yoga buddy to help you in your yoga journey. You can inspire one another and also keep each other in check.  If you’re anything like me, your practice with your yoga buddies turns into a practice full of laughter, love and fun!