Daily Practice: Take a Seat

Taking 3-5 minutes in the morning to close your eyes and be at peace can significantly change the tone of your day.  Think about when you oversleep.  Your morning is rushed. Your attitude is rushed. Your driving is rushed. You rush your family. Your patience is non-existent. We’ve all been there.  Instead, make a point to get up a few minutes earlier each morning so that you can squeeze in a restorative moment.  It will help clear your mind, reduce your stress level, and start your day on a much calmer note.

While setting the tone for your day, you may wish to set an intention.  It could be as simple as completing all of the tasks on your to-do list that day.  It could be to breathe a little bit deeper when you are feeling stressed and angry.  It could also be as simple as being kinder to yourself and the people around you. Your intention does not have to be life changing or huge. It could be just something little you work on that day.

Take a moment to ground yourself and check your ego. Remember that we are all made up of the same stuff…you are not better than anyone, and no one is better than you. Take this moment to release any negative energy you are storing away so that you can go about your day positively.  Celebrate your accomplishments but also celebrate other people’s accomplishments without jealousy or the need to diminish them. Ground yourself to your mat, to the Earth and release judgement and criticism.

Take these few minutes to be aware of your body. Feel your breath, your life force, move in and out through your body. Feel your lungs expand with each inhalation and contract with each exhalation.  Feel your heart beating. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling that day… Are you sore?  Are you tired? Are you feeling great? Take that moment to take inventory of your body to see what it needs that day.

At the end of the day, maybe right before you go to bed, take a moment to close your eyes and let go of everything that happened that day. Take a moment to celebrate your accomplishments but more importantly to release any stress or problems that occurred. Tomorrow is a new day, a new adventure.