Myths To Avoid Telling Your Child


Myth #1: The justice system will traumatize my child more than the actual abuse.

Predators need to be caught and put behind bars and that’s why it’s important to protect young victims of abuse. There are special programs across the country for kids to come together in a safe environment where they can be interviewed.

Myth #2: I don’t need to monitor my child’s screen-time in any way. I trust them. 

It’s important to trust your child and even more important to monitor their internet-capable devices because it comes down to keeping them safe. Make sure you keep an eye on texts, chats, emails, and social media to makes sure no predators are targeting your child.

Myth #3: To get attention, children lie about being abused.

If a child reports a person came to them and you suspect abuse, call the police or 911. They will connect you with a social services hotline where you can be anonymous. The one thing you shouldn’t do is doubt a child. It’s hard enough for the child to come forth, the last thing you should do is second-guess them.

Myth #4: Knowing all about “stranger danger” will save my child.

Parents seem to think teaching “stranger danger” is one of the most important things they should teach their child. Strangers account for one-tenth of child sexual abuse and the other 90 percent your child already knows and loves.

Myth #5: Women don’t abuse children.

There’s plenty of women who are spending time behind bars due to being a predator, but they are far less likely than men. Women do sexually abuse kids.

Myth #6: It’s okay to force your child to hug adults, kids and young children.

When parents force young children to hug or kiss someone they aren’t comfortable with this tells them indirectly that it’s okay to not have control over their own body. At the same time, we are teaching children to never tell an adult “no.” because we want them to do something they don’t want to do.

Myth #7: Children don’t need to know what sexual abuse is. 

Parents make a huge mistake when they don’t explain to young children what sexual abuse is. It’s not important to go onto elaborate details, but they do need to know that if a friend comes to them and talks about abuse, it’s important to tell you immediately.
