How To Effectively Read To Your Toddler

How To Effectively Read To Your Toddler

read to your toddler

It’s very important to read to your toddler and set the foundation of your child’s independence by reading to them as babies. When children reach the toddler stage, its almost guaranteed to have one or more of these challenges.

Challenge #1: Your Child Wants to read the same book, over and over.

Toddlers feel secure when they read books that rhyme and have the same repetition.  Books with repetition will give your child a sense of confidence and control because she knows what to expect. If you’ve read to your toddler these books more than twenty times, switch it up with these tips.

  • Give her other options. If you know she likes one story because it has repetition, lead her to books that have different types of repetition.
  • Put your child in control. Asking your little one what she thinks will happen next, puts her mind to work and lets her imagine. Watch her beam with pride when she gets every answer right.
  • Read with expression. Every parent reads stories differently. Be dramatic the next time you read and bring the book to life.

Challenge #2: Wanting To Move All Around.

When toddlers turn one, they’ve added “walking” to their accomplishments and it’s almost impossible to keep them stationary for longer than a minute.

  • Have a routine.  Parents that start a routine when their child is born, find it less challenging to read when they grow older. It’s not too late. Start by incorporating story time into afternoon nap or early bed time routines.
  • Give your little a task. Your little one will focus more if she has a task she’s given. She might love to hold the book and ask her to point out the different objects and people in the book.
  • Use different voices. Act out the different characters in the book your reading. Insert different family members to put a silly twist on the story.

Challenge #3: Not Keeping Hands To Herself.

Toddlers love to touch anything and everything. Limit the hand grabbing when you read to your toddler.

  • Let your child hold something. If your child is holding a stuffy, she’ll be less likely to grab the book your reading.
  • Have her be in control. When a toddler has the job to turn the pages when reading, she’ll be focused on turning rather than touching.
  • Try different books. Choose different type books they can lift the flaps and other manipulative reads to keep tiny hands busy.











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