Turn baby food jars into LEGO storage

I’m deep in the research phase of my forthcoming Parent Hacks book.  I’m considering including illustrated lists of uses for exceptionally "hackable" items already lying around the house. Things like Ziploc bags, binder clips and…baby food jars.

My oldest kid just started high school (and I mean just started today) and I still have baby food jars scattered throughout my house holding small parts and treasures.

But this use was too clever not to share. Victoria of ObSEUSSed noticed that baby food jars resemble LEGO minifig heads, so she decided to do something about it.

Yellow spray paint and a Sharpie are all it takes to turn baby food jars into clever storage for mini LEGO. Photo credit (used with permission): Victoria of ObSEUSSED.com

I’m not one for fussy birthday parties, but I admit these would make pretty cute LEGO-themed party favors. Get the full how-to at ObSEUSSed.

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