Your Favorite BBQ Recipes, Made A Lot Healthier

Warm weather means summertime soirées galore. Whether you’re heading to a friend’s potluck or hosting a BBQ, these dishes nourish you and your growing bundle with nutrients while satisfying everyone’s summer cravings.

Recipes by Matthew Kadey, M.S., R.D.

Related: The Pregnant Woman’s Guide to Barbecues

Rather than spooning out a mayo-heavy and calorie-laden packaged slaw, try this easy, spicy-sour Asian rendition. A cornucopia of crunchy vegetables provides fiber to squash unhealthy cravings and keep things moving.

Get the recipe: Crispy Thai Slaw with Curry Dressing

Tenders cook quickly so you can spend time chatting with friends instead of fussing over the grill. You’ll also benefit from their payload of protein, a building block for Baby’s development.

Get the recipe: Grilled Chicken Tenders with Peach Barbecue Sauce

Burgers are a summertime mainstay, and there’s nothing fishy about swapping out the traditional ground beef patties for ones made with omega-3- packed salmon. Studies show that this nutritional hero may decrease the risk of prenatal and postpartum depression. Plus, slathering on the punchy avocado sauce adds a dose of folate, a B vitamin that protects against birth defects.

Get the recipe: Salmon Burgers with Avocado Sauce

Kale brings vitamins A, C and K to the carb-bomb that is traditional potato salad. Beyond bolstering your immunity and digestive health, probiotics in yogurt can slash the risk for preeclampsia by about 20 percent, according to a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Get the recipe: Potato Kale Salad with Yogurt Dressing

Grilling sun-kissed fruits supercharges their natural sweetness, making them the stars of this dessert. They also supply vitamin C, which aids in Baby’s brain development. First trimester bonus: The potassium in bananas helps quell morning sickness.

Get the recipe: Grilled Fruit Salad with Banana Ice Cream