Roomba, a new mom’s best friend

by Heather Flett on July 3, 2014

in We Love It (For Mom)

I picked up my Roomba for $25 at a preschool yard sale. And I love it! Though I’m not sure I would pay full price for it, I would gratefully accept one as a gift. Let me tell you why I flipping love a little robot vacuum for pregnant ladies and new moms.

When I was pregnant, I wanted clean and order. But, I felt like my condition was too delicate to be hauling around a vacuum cleaner so I was constantly wishing and nagging that my husband would run the vacuum. Annoying for both of us. With the Roomba, I can just push a button and leave the room. And preggos, you can use your toe to start it rather than bending over. Just have someone else dump the dustbin. Awesome.

As a new mom, I wanted clean carpets so that my boys wouldn’t eat dirt and crap off the carpet. But who has time to vacuum? Or interest? Awesome that I can just leave the room and come back to a cleaner room.

With preschoolers, the Roomba is like a fun pet for them to chase and hide from. A pet that doesn’t make it’s own mess. Wondrous.

It works great for my house because it is a small bungalow on one floor. I  build walls around the rooms where I want the Roomba to stay (or rely on the laser-beam walls that came with my model). It might not be practical for families with a more vertical configuration.

Here’s a link to the best-selling robot vacuum on Amazon. Or try to pick up a used one Craig’s List or eBay (I will tell you that we replaced the battery and all the brushes)!