A new and better way to share a parent hack: #parenthacks

As I talked about in my "What’s Next for Parent Hacks" post, parent hacks don’t just live here — they’re circulating all over the Internet.

The trick is finding the good stuff.

I’m moving the Parent Hacks submission process from email to social media. 

When you include #parenthacks with the tips or links you post on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media profile, I can find, curate and share your submissions here on the blog as I’ve always done.

Chances are you spend time in social media every day. By posting on your profile and tagging #parenthacks, you can hang out where you like while staying connected here.

Honestly, I’ve been the bottleneck for a while now. If you’ve ever sent me a hack you’ve already seen my apologetic autoresponder. I’ve done my best to keep up, but I know I’ve let a lot of your great ideas slip by because I couldn’t stay on top of my email.

(I probably should have hired someone to help me years ago, but to tell you the truth I didn’t want to put a filter — even a human one — between us. Illogical and unproductive, but true.)

I’ve got searches set up on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and Tumblr and I check them every day. While I won’t post everything that comes by (editorial privilege), I’ll often share, retweet, reblog, repin, and regram.

What’s cool: the #parenthacks "stream" on each social network will have its own personality. People talk and think differently in different places, so I predict each social network will inspire different conversations.

I’ve always linked to hack contributors’ blogs when they’ve asked me to. But now I can pass on your good ideas directly. Plus, many folks who have social media profiles don’t have blogs.

If you’ve written up a hack on your blog, you can still share the link and tag it #parenthacks so I can find it.

If you come across someone else’s idea you think should get Parent Hacks attention and love, pass it along, tag it #parenthacks, and I’ll credit you both.

This is the biggest deal of all. When you post your hack in social media, others get involved in the conversation, giving you feedback, offering advice and help, possibly pointing you (and potentially all of us) to new solutions. 

Every time you use #parenthacks you encourage smart, helpful conversation about parenting.

The reason I started Parent Hacks was because I didn’t see my experience reflected in the parenting advice of the time. Collective wisdom is powerful. Let’s make our voices heard.

Every time we declare "here’s what worked for me" we help other parents feel less alone.

This move isn’t without risk. I’m not in control of #parenthacks as I am over the content and comments on this blog. Hashtags can get "highjacked" by people who want to make mischief or obnoxiously self-promote.

While I’ll be participating on every channel, I don’t intend to take on the role of Social Media Etiquette Officer.

But the benefits outweigh the risks. Sharing ideas is what social media is made for, and this community knows itself well enough to handle a few ruffians or overzealous promoters.

When I think of the good that could come from widespread intelligent, generous parenting conversation of the sort that’s been happening here for years…well, I think it’s worth the leap.

This is an experiment: let’s see if we can make it work.

In case it’s not clear, here’s what a parent hack IS, followed by some examples:

In crowded places, Sharpie your cell phone number on your kid’s belly. #parenthacks

#parenthacks WIN! The upside down crazy straw "locks" it in!

Use a binder clip to cover the Home button on your iPad so the toddler won’t keep pressing it. #parenthacks http://www.pinterest.com…

Via @Lifehacker: Cover the toilet autoflush sensor with toilet paper http://www.lifehacker.com… #parenthacks

The Wet Brush is the only way I can painlessly detangle my daughter’s curly hair. thewetbrush.com #parenthacks

* Marketing and PR professionals, see #3 below.

Please do not use #parenthacks for the following:

If you’ve got a great tip or recommendation written up on your blog, by all means, share it! But if you just want to grab the attention of the Parent Hacks community without earning it by contributing a relevant hack, please don’t use #parenthacks. That sort of self-promotion never works — in fact it harms you in both the short- and long-term.

Products have always been part of Parent Hacks. Sometimes the right purchase really can make life easier (like my Wet Brush example above).

But I ask that you respect the intent of #parenthacks: authentic, helpful conversation and community. That means it’s mostly non-commercial.

If you use #parenthacks simply to plug your product/service/website, it will reflect badly on you, your work, and your company. This savvy community sees right through superficial marketing tactics.

Also, I’ll publicly call out companies and/or people who try to co-opt #parenthacks for irrelevant promotion.

If in doubt, you can always ask (tweet me at @parenthacks, message me on the Facebook page, or get in touch using the Parent Hacks submission form). I’m happy to clarify.

If you’re not a social media user, no problem; I’ve set up a submission form just for you. I’m using Tumblr’s "Submit" form which lets you submit text, pictures, and other media. Plus, you have the great benefit of avoiding my email inbox.

Does this make sense? Anything I haven’t thought through? Anything I’ve gotten wrong? Is this a good idea or is it naive? (I’m fine with it being both.)

Please leave a comment and let’s talk about this. (If you respond via social media, include a link to this post and tag it #parenthacks so others know what you’re referring to.)