One of my most favorite things about December is the stacks of Christmas cards that start arriving in my mailbox. In years past, I’ve just scotch taped them to my fridge or something, but then I end up with 5000 tape balls to remove after. You can buy cute card display things, but they never have enough spaces for all of the cards I get each year, and I love to display them. Last year I had a big open wall in my entry way, but I didn’t want to damage the wall in any way, so I came up with this little display and everyone who came over to my house noted what a great idea it was, so I thought I’d share it with you guys, too! It’s so simple, and so cheap.
First thing you need is (one of my favorite inventions of the 21st century) Command Strips. You just need the very lightest, clear ones, since you’ll just be hanging paper. These are the ones I use:
If you haven’t yet discovered Command Strips, I’m not joking, they are amazing. I use them for everything. I even stick my stocking holders to the mantle with Command Strips just to make sure they don’t fall down.
Also, some twine, or colorful string.
Lastly, some mini clothes pins.
When I say mini, I mean really mini. You can find these at craft stores, or here, on Amazon.
You can do this on a wall, or a giant mirror, or on a doorway, like I’m doing here. Just place your command strips on, in equal distances apart (it will make sense when you see the photo)
and then tie twine, leaving a little give, from one side to the other. I usually add a little bow on each side.
Then add your little clothes pins,
and when your cards arrive, just pop them on there. Once they start piling up, they can kind of overlap and they still look cute. (And no, I have not received this many cards already. I photographed this before any had arrived, but as I was moving junk out of my office so it would not show up in the background of this photo, I found a pile of Christmas cards from last year- which just shows how often I actually clean my office. Hopefully my friends don’t mind me using their cards here- I blurred out their names- anyone recognize themselves?? Ha.)
After it’s all set up, if you don’t have cards to fill it up yet, hang light ornaments or your kid’s artwork.
This is a great little display because it’s easy, cheap, takes less than 10 minutes to make, and it removes quickly and easily when you’re all done. Plus you can make it to fit any size space that you have and it adds a little extra something. Hope it helps someone else out there. Enjoy the holiday card season!
PS- So happy to say that all of your Cyber Monday orders from The Shop are out the door and on their way! You guys aren’t foolin’ around- we worked around the clock to get those out to you and it was craaaazy! Hope you all enjoy your goodies!